11.54 Scatter Plot Colour Shape Theme BW


ds %>%
  sample_n(1000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=min_temp, y=max_temp, colour=rain_tomorrow, shape=rain_tomorrow)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x      = vnames["min_temp"], 
       y      = vnames["max_temp"], 
       colour = vnames["rain_tomorrow"]) +
  theme_bw() +

There are many circumstances where it makes sense to colour the points according to some scheme. For example, in a predictive modelling context the colour might correspond to the prediction made (yes or no). For a cluster analysis the colour might represent the cluster each point is allocated to.

A key variable of interest in the rattle::weatherAUS dataset is rain_tomorrow. By colouring the dots according to the rain_tomorrow we may begin to see relationships in the data.

The colour is added simply by specifying a further aesthetic, colour=rain_tomorrow. Different values of the variable rain_tomorrow will then be coloured differently.

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