21.39 Review Preparing the Corpus
Here in one sequence is collected the code to perform a text mining project. Notice that we would not necessarily do all of these steps so pick and choose as is appropriate to your situation.
# Locate and load the Corpus.
cname <- file.path(".", "corpus", "txt")
docs <- Corpus(DirSource(cname))
# Transforms
toSpace <- content_transformer(function(x, pattern) gsub(pattern, " ", x))
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "/|@|\\|")
docs <- tm_map(docs, content_transformer(tolower))
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, c("own", "stop", "words"))
docs <- tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
toString <- content_transformer(function(x, from, to) gsub(from, to, x))
docs <- tm_map(docs, toString, "specific transform", "ST")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toString, "other specific transform", "OST")
docs <- tm_map(docs, stemDocument)
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