20.73 C5.0 Rules Summary
## Call:
## C5.0.formula(formula=form, data=ds[tr, vars], rules=TRUE)
## C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition] Mon Feb 10 15:58:12 2025
## -------------------------------
## Class specified by attribute `outcome'
## Read 158807 cases (21 attributes) from undefined.data
## Rules:
## Rule 1: (4425/64, lift 1.3)
## humidity_3pm <= 20
## wind_dir_3pm in [E-NNW]
## wind_gust_dir in [N-SSW]
## min_temp <= 19.5
## -> class No [0.985]
## Rule 2: (9505/369, lift 1.2)
## temp_3pm > 16.8
## pressure_9am > 1023.1
## humidity_3pm <= 66
## wind_speed_9am <= 13
## wind_gust_speed <= 46
## rainfall <= 3.1
## -> class No [0.961]
## Rule 3: (16459/835, lift 1.2)
## cloud_3pm <= 4
## pressure_3pm > 1013.8
## wind_gust_speed <= 41
## -> class No [0.949]
## Rule 4: (7193/370, lift 1.2)
## pressure_3pm > 1025.1
## humidity_3pm <= 88
## wind_speed_3pm <= 19
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