27.7 Layout
Keep lines to less then 80 characters for easier reading and fitting on a printed page.
Align curly braces so that an opening curly brace is on a line
by itself. This is at odds with many style guides. My motivation is
that the open and close curly braces belong to each other more so
than the closing curly brace belonging to the keyword
in the example). The extra white space helps to
reduce code clutter. This style also makes it easier to comment out,
for example, just the line containing the while
and still
have valid syntax. We tend not to need to foucs so much any more on
reducing the number of lines in our code, as we had to with punch
cards, so we can now avoid
Egyptian brackets.
If a code block contains a single statement, then curly braces remain useful to emphasise the limit of the code block; however, some prefer to drop them.
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