8.3 Normalise Variable Names
Variable names are normalised so as to have some certainty in interacting with the data. The convenience function janitor::clean_names() can do this.
## [1] "Date" "Location" "MinTemp" "MaxTemp"
## [5] "Rainfall" "Evaporation" "Sunshine" "WindGustDir"
## [9] "WindGustSpeed" "WindDir9am" "WindDir3pm" "WindSpeed9am"
## [13] "WindSpeed3pm" "Humidity9am" "Humidity3pm" "Pressure9am"
# Capture the original variable names for use in plots.
vnames <- names(ds)
# Normalise the variable names.
ds %<>% clean_names(numerals="right")
# Confirm the results are as expected.
## [1] "date" "location" "min_temp" "max_temp"
## [5] "rainfall" "evaporation" "sunshine" "wind_gust_dir"
## [9] "wind_gust_speed" "wind_dir_9am" "wind_dir_3pm" "wind_speed_9am"
## [13] "wind_speed_3pm" "humidity_9am" "humidity_3pm" "pressure_9am"
## date location min_temp max_temp rainfall
## "Date" "Location" "MinTemp" "MaxTemp" "Rainfall"
## evaporation sunshine wind_gust_dir wind_gust_speed wind_dir_9am
## "Evaporation" "Sunshine" "WindGustDir" "WindGustSpeed" "WindDir9am"
Notice that we capture the original variable names in the variable for reference, and particularly when generating plots and wanting to use the original names.
The variable names now conform to our expectations of them and in accordance to our chosen style as documented in Chapter 27.
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