3.16 Pipes: Tee Pipe Intermediate Results
20220511 The tee-pipe comes in handy with
base::assign()ing intermediate results into a variable without
breaking the main flow of the pipeline. In the following example the
variable tmp
has an intermediate value assigned to it within the
base::globalenv() so that we can access it from anywhere in the
R session.
ds %>%
select(rainfall, min_temp, max_temp, sunshine) %>%
filter(rainfall==0) %T>%
assign("tmp", ., globalenv()) %>%
select(min_temp, max_temp, sunshine) %>%
## min_temp max_temp sunshine
## Min. :-8.70 Min. :-2.10 Min. : 0.00
## 1st Qu.: 7.40 1st Qu.:19.70 1st Qu.: 6.80
## Median :12.10 Median :24.50 Median : 9.70
## Mean :12.11 Mean :24.86 Mean : 8.71
## 3rd Qu.:16.80 3rd Qu.:29.80 3rd Qu.:11.10
## Max. :33.90 Max. :48.90 Max. :14.50
## NA's :627 NA's :702 NA's :81486
We can now access the variable tmp
## # A tibble: 141,400 × 4
## rainfall min_temp max_temp sunshine
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 7.4 25.1 NA
## 2 0 12.9 25.7 NA
## 3 0 9.2 28 NA
## 4 0 14.3 25 NA
## 5 0 7.7 26.7 NA
## 6 0 9.7 31.9 NA
## 7 0 13.4 30.4 NA
## 8 0 8.4 24.6 NA
## 9 0 14.1 20.9 NA
## 10 0 9.8 25.6 NA
## # ℹ 141,390 more rows
Notice that for a tee-pipe curly braces will often be used to
encapsulate a sequence of operations for the first path of the
tee-pipe, allowing reference the data from the pipeline as the period
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