10.53 Numeric
20180723 Summaries of numeric data are provided using base::summary(). In the following we identify the numeric variables and summarise each. In doing so, as a data scientist, we want to again observe any oddities and to explain them.
## [1] "min_temp" "max_temp" "rainfall" "evaporation"
## [5] "sunshine" "wind_gust_speed" "wind_speed_9am" "wind_speed_3pm"
## [9] "humidity_9am" "humidity_3pm" "pressure_9am" "pressure_3pm"
## [13] "cloud_9am" "cloud_3pm" "temp_9am" "temp_3pm"
## [17] "risk_mm"
## min_temp max_temp rainfall evaporation
## Min. :-8.70 Min. :-4.10 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.00
## 1st Qu.: 7.50 1st Qu.:17.90 1st Qu.: 0.000 1st Qu.: 2.60
## Median :11.90 Median :22.60 Median : 0.000 Median : 4.80
## Mean :12.09 Mean :23.21 Mean : 2.348 Mean : 5.51
## 3rd Qu.:16.80 3rd Qu.:28.20 3rd Qu.: 0.600 3rd Qu.: 7.40
## Max. :33.90 Max. :48.90 Max. :474.000 Max. :138.70
## NA's :3800 NA's :3630 NA's :6775 NA's :123256
## sunshine wind_gust_speed wind_speed_9am wind_speed_3pm
## Min. : 0.00 Min. : 2.00 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.90 1st Qu.: 31.00 1st Qu.: 7.00 1st Qu.:13.00
## Median : 8.50 Median : 39.00 Median :13.00 Median :17.00
## Mean : 7.63 Mean : 40.06 Mean :14.06 Mean :18.59
## 3rd Qu.:10.60 3rd Qu.: 48.00 3rd Qu.:19.00 3rd Qu.:24.00
## Max. :14.50 Max. :146.00 Max. :87.00 Max. :87.00
## NA's :132637 NA's :16800 NA's :4433 NA's :8190
Reviewing this information we can make some obvious observations. Temperatures, for example, appears to be in degrees Celsius rather than Fahrenheit. Rainfall looks like millimetres. There are some quite skewed distributions with min and median small but large max values. As data scientists we will further explore the distributions as in Chapter 9.
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