5.7 Format Strings
A common standard (based on strftime) for specifying a date format
string will replace any %X
special characters with specific
components from the date (and time). For example, based on the result
of a call to the function lubridate::now(), which is
Saturday, 14 December 2024, 08:45:33 AM, the format
is %A, %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S %p
The format strings that are available include:
\(\longrightarrow\) Sat (3 char day name)%A
\(\longrightarrow\) Saturday (full day name)%b
\(\longrightarrow\) Dec (3 char month name)%B
\(\longrightarrow\) December (full month name)%d
\(\longrightarrow\) 14 (01-31 leading 0 numeric day of month)%e
\(\longrightarrow\) 14 (1-31 numeric day of month)%H
\(\longrightarrow\) 08 (00-23 numeric 24 hours)%I
\(\longrightarrow\) 08 (01-11 numeric 12 hours)%-I
\(\longrightarrow\) 8 (1-11 numeric hours no leading 0)%m
\(\longrightarrow\) 12 (01-12 numeric month)%M
\(\longrightarrow\) 45 (00-59 numeric minutes)%p
\(\longrightarrow\) AM (AM,PM upper morning or afternoon)%P
\(\longrightarrow\) am (am,pm lower morning or afternoon)%S
\(\longrightarrow\) 33 (00-60 numeric seconds)%-S
\(\longrightarrow\) 33 (0-60 numeric seconds no leading 0)%y
\(\longrightarrow\) 24 (00-99 2 digit year)%Y
\(\longrightarrow\) 2024 (4 digit year)%Z
\(\longrightarrow\) AEDT (time zone)
A good resource is Fabrizio Musacchio’s strftime Cheat Sheet
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