7.10 TSV Data
20200928 A common interchange format for sharing data across different applications is the Tab Separated Value (tsv) file format. Reading tsv files is straight forward using readr::read_tsv().
library(readr) # Modern and efficient data reader/writer.
library(stringi) # String concat operator: %s+%.
dsname <- "abc"
dspath <- dsname %s+% ".tsv"
abc <- read_csv(dspath)
ds <- get(dsname)
Writing a dataset to a csv file is straightforward using readr::write_csv():
library(rattle) # Dataset: weatherAUS.
library(dplyr) # Wrangling: select().
library(readr) # Modern and efficient data reader/writer.
dsname <- "weatherAUS"
ds <- get(dsname)
fname <- "australian_temperatures.tsv"
ds %>%
select(Date, Location, MinTemp, MaxTemp, Temp9am, Temp3pm) %>%
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