9.2 Counting Groups
Groups can be counted using dplyr::count().
## # A tibble: 17 × 2
## wind_dir_3pm n
## <ord> <int>
## 1 N 13369
## 2 NNE 10551
## 3 NE 12981
## 4 ENE 12356
## 5 E 12999
## 6 ESE 13414
## 7 SE 16406
## 8 SSE 14179
## 9 S 15062
## 10 SSW 12973
## 11 SW 14086
## 12 WSW 14718
## 13 W 15451
## 14 WNW 13744
## 15 NW 13005
## 16 NNW 11860
## 17 <NA> 9714
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