14.7 Predict Probability
20200607 To extract the probability of it raining tomorrow
from the prediction made by the model. For a rpart model we can obtain
the probability of it raining tomorrow using
stats::predict() with type="prob"
ds[tr, vars] %>% predict(model, newdata=., type="prob") %>% '['(,2) -> pr_tr
ds[tu, vars] %>% predict(model, newdata=., type="prob") %>% '['(,2) -> pr_tu
ds[te, vars] %>% predict(model, newdata=., type="prob") %>% '['(,2) -> pr_te
## 1 2 3 4 5 6
## 0.1423613 0.1423613 0.6096989 0.6096989 0.1423613 0.1423613
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