20.27 Rules from Decision Tree
We can use rattle::asRules() to convert the decision tree to a set of rules:
## Rule number: 7 [rain_tomorrow=Yes cover=11818 (7%) prob=0.77]
## humidity_3pm>=71.5
## humidity_3pm>=82.5
## Rule number: 13 [rain_tomorrow=Yes cover=6351 (4%) prob=0.59]
## humidity_3pm>=71.5
## humidity_3pm< 82.5
## rainfall>=0.85
## Rule number: 12 [rain_tomorrow=No cover=7884 (5%) prob=0.35]
## humidity_3pm>=71.5
## humidity_3pm< 82.5
## rainfall< 0.85
## Rule number: 2 [rain_tomorrow=No cover=132754 (84%) prob=0.14]
## humidity_3pm< 71.5
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