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by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


Sophisticated Captions

Raw Captions can be formatted quite extensively with a little knowledge of LaTeX. For Table 22.6 we illustrate generating a string in R that is passed through to the caption=. We use base::paste() and base::Sys.time() and include some special symbols known to LaTeX as well as an occasion bold and italic font. Notice that because the caption is quite long we do not want the whole caption included in the list of tables in the contents pages. The second argument to caption= is the short title to use for the list of tables.

# Create a long caption as a single srting.

cpt <- paste("Here we include in the \\textbf{caption}"
           , "a sample of \\LaTeX{} symbols and formats"
           , "that can be included in the string, and"
           , "note that the caption string can be the"
           , "result of R commands, using"
           , "\\texttt{paste()} in this instance. Some"
           , "sample symbols include: $\\alpha$"
           , "$\\rightarrow$ $\\wp$."
           , "We also get a timestamp from R:"
           , Sys.time())

# Add the caption to the table.

dst %>%
       , caption=c(cpt, "Extended caption.")
       , label="tblcap") %>%

Table 22.6: Here we include in the caption a sample of LaTeX symbols and formats that can be included in the string, and note that the caption string can be the result of R commands, using paste() in this instance. Some sample symbols include: $\alpha$ $\rightarrow$ $\wp$. We also get a timestamp from R: 2021-01-25 06:38:03
Location MinTemp MaxTemp Rainfall Evaporation

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Other online resources include the GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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