Go to TogaWare.com Home Page. Data Science Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


Graph Setup

20200514 Packages used in this chapter include magrittr, and rattle.

Packages are loaded into the currently running R session from your local library directories on disk. Missing packages can be installed using utils::install.packages() within R. On Ubuntu, for example, R packages can be installed using wajig install r-cran-<pkgname>.

# Load required packages from local library into the R session.

library(magrittr)     # Data pipelines: %>% %<>% %T>% equals().
library(rattle)       # Dataset: weather.

The rattle::weatherAUS dataset is loaded into the template variable ds and further template variables are setup as introduced in Williams (2017). See Chapter 7 for details.

dsname <- "weatherAUS"
ds     <- get(dsname)

nobs   <- nrow(ds)

vnames <- names(ds)
ds    %<>% clean_names(numerals="right")
names(vnames) <- names(ds)

vars   <- names(ds)
target <- "rain_tomorrow"
vars   <- c(target, vars) %>% unique() %>% rev()

The variable form is used in this chapter as the formula describing the model to be built.

## risk_mm ~ .

ds  %>% sample_frac()
## # A tibble: 176,747 x 24
##    date       location min_temp max_temp rainfall evaporation sunshine
##    <date>     <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 2015-11-06 PearceR~     14.7     27.4      0          NA        8.3
##  2 2019-06-21 WaggaWa~     -0.1      9       NA          NA       NA  
##  3 2013-03-18 MountGa~      7.5     21.5      0.2         2.8      5.5

Support further development by purchasing the PDF version of the book.
Other online resources include the GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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