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by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


Data Frame

20210103 A data frame is essentially a rectangular table (or matrix) of data consisting of rows (observations) and columns (variables). We can base::print.data.frame() to view a table, here choosing the first 10 observations of the first 6 variables of the ds dataset.
# Display the table structure of the ingested dataset.

ds[1:10,1:6] %>% print.data.frame()
##          date location min_temp max_temp rainfall evaporation
## 1  2008-12-01   Albury     13.4     22.9      0.6          NA
## 2  2008-12-02   Albury      7.4     25.1      0.0          NA
## 3  2008-12-03   Albury     12.9     25.7      0.0          NA
## 4  2008-12-04   Albury      9.2     28.0      0.0          NA
## 5  2008-12-05   Albury     17.5     32.3      1.0          NA
## 6  2008-12-06   Albury     14.6     29.7      0.2          NA
## 7  2008-12-07   Albury     14.3     25.0      0.0          NA
## 8  2008-12-08   Albury      7.7     26.7      0.0          NA
## 9  2008-12-09   Albury      9.7     31.9      0.0          NA
## 10 2008-12-10   Albury     13.1     30.1      1.4          NA

Alternatively we might sample 10 random observations (dplyr::sample_n()) of 5 random variables (dplyr::select()):

# Display a random selection of observations and variables.

ds %>%
  sample_n(10) %>%
  select(sample(1:ncol(ds), 5)) %>%
##    wind_gust_speed max_temp rainfall wind_speed_3pm rain_today
## 1               30     25.1      0.2             11         No
## 2               72     30.7      1.0             33         No
## 3               56     14.9      1.6             20        Yes
## 4               33     28.8      0.0             20         No
## 5               37     31.3      0.0             20         No
## 6               35     35.7      0.0             15         No
## 7               24     15.5      0.0             15         No
## 8               22     22.5      0.0              6         No
## 9               31     20.0      0.4              4         No
## 10              35     21.9      0.0             17         No

This tabular form (i.e., it has rows and columns) is common for data science.

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Other online resources include the GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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