20200610The enjoyment of one's tools is an
essential ingredient of successful work. Donald E. Knuth
There are many people to thank for sharing these tools, their
knowledge, and their encouragement in many different ways. Indeed, the
open source and especially the R and now the tidyverse communities
are chracterised by their willingness to share for the good of us all,
and many folk have also contributed directly and indirectly to this
book through their sharing. Their contributions are acknowledged
throughout the book, but there are always gaps. To all who share
openly, thank you. I have learned so much from this community over
more than 30 years.
Also, support for maintenance of the book is always welcome, and is
used to contribute toward the costs of running the servers used to
make this book available. Donations can be made through PayPal at
The following are explicitly acknowledged for their recent support of
the book:
David Montgomery,
Arivarignan Gunaseelan,
Clemens Kielhauser, and
Ricardo Scotta.